Meet the team

Dan Connolly
From day 1 CrossFit has been a way of life for me. It was something I could constantly improve at… whether that was as an athlete or a coach.
I completed my first CrossFit workout with my friend Anthony Monks in a David Lloyd weights area 9 years ago. We both found a passion for a new concept… workout after workout we came to the decision that we should open a CrossFit gym. To let others be apart of the idea we had.
So in 2011 we became CrossFit Faction. 8 Years later I’m still watching members put hours after hours of work in every week. Not realising that all those hours add up to those Personal Bests from that first rep that a member finally gets, Qualifying for Competition to competing on an international stage. Everyone at Faction has a place to find achievement and I love being a part of that.

Lauren Calvert
Coaching isn’t just a job it’s a passion to make people better. Better at life, moving & thinking.
Having coached for almost 15 years in various sports, CrossFit was the one that stole my heart.

Fran Calvert
I’m Fran and I’ve been at CrossFit Faction for 7 years now!
Why do I coach? Coaching for me at Faction isn’t just coaching people through a class, its about helping people hit goals, helping people play with their kids a little more, helping people love the body they are in and what it can do, listening to the issues they had at work that day… That’s the difference between a CrossFit gym and a globo gym, it’s a way of life, and that is why I coach.
Level 1 CrossFit Coach
Level 2 CrossFit Coach

Graeme Kerr
I got into CrossFit after seeing a friend post about it and I’d stopped playing competitive golf. I wanted something to work at again and liked the idea of starting from scratch.
I’m CrossFit level 1 qualified. Competition wise I’ve competed at local/UK level individual and team competitions such as European Championships, Battle for Middle Ground, Battle of Britain, Turf Games and Rainhill Trials.
Random fact – I have 4 joints in my little finger